Curently there are some issues with JACK automatically disconnecting if one isn’t connected to a Jamulus server. I’m happy if you update, enhance or even re-write it. Unfortunately on Windows you’ll need multiple pieces of Software to have low latency audio.
So you’d lay a cable from YouTube to some software which then converts the audio and sends it to Jamulus. No idea what this means? Basically you can think of using cables connecting multiple devices together until you reach the device you want to use. I assume you already know how to install software or know someone who helps you with that.
We’re using JACK for Windows however, it is also possible to use different software like VoiceMeeter Banana, ASIO LinkPro or similar. This guide explains how to play a mp3 file, YouTube video, MuseScore file or any system audio into Jamulus. Se vocé habilitá-lo, você pode usufruir de funções adicionais. Este site foi desenvolvido para prover funcionalidade básica mesmo sem JS. Seu browser desabilitou JavaScript, o que é perfeitamente ok.